

Autumn Car Care Checklist – Part 2

Did you know that October is Fall Care Month? By taking the time to tend to your car during Fall Care Month, you can set yourself up for peace of mind when the snow starts to fly. We are here to help!

In our last blog, we had just gotten into a very important car maintenance area: Oil, Filters, and Gas. We didn’t have time to finish there, so we’re coming back to the topic (and more) today. Read on!

Fall Care Checklist Part 2

Oil, Filters, and Gas Continued

  • Help your car help itself with clean filters. Your car has fuel, transmission, and air filters to keep dirt at bay and allow it to function at its best. When these filters get clogged up, your car will have trouble starting and running right. We can help ensure that your filters are clear and ready to do their job instead of making it harder for your car’s systems to do theirs. We’ll check them all at once to ensure the process is convenient and quick.
  • Don’t let your fuel get low. Have you ever experienced that rush to the gas station before a snowstorm comes in? The weather people predict a big one, and suddenly the grocery stores and gas stations are buzzing with people stocking up. These people are doing the right thing, but you can avoid the mess altogether by never letting your fuel tank get below half. You also avoid getting stranded, and not by an empty tank like you might think. By keeping your fuel system relatively full, you prevent moisture from forming in your gas lines. Why is moisture so bad? Well, moisture can freeze, and when it does so in your fuel lines, it cuts your engine off from fuel. At that point, starting your car is impossible, and you will have to wait for things to warm up … whenever that is.

Exhaust, Charging, and Cooling

Without exhaust, charging, and cooling, your car won’t get car in any season, especially winter. Winter is hard on cars, and having systems barely function just won’t work. The systems need to be at their best, and we can ensure that happens. Read on to learn more about what we can do to keep you rolling safely all winter long:

  • Make sure your cooling system has fresh antifreeze. Yes, it may seem counter-intuitive to give attention to any sort of cooling system in the winter. Isn’t everything just cold enough? Nope. Your car’s engine gets very hot whether it is winter or summer, and it has a specialized cooling system designed to prevent overheating and failure. The liquid in the cooling system must never freeze solid, and antifreeze is there to ensure it keeps flowing. We can flush and clean your cooling system before putting in fresh antifreeze. This type of maintenance should be done every two years.
  • Check the battery and charging systems. If you want your vehicle to start, you’ve got to have that spark from the battery. Winter is particularly hard on batteries, so it is very important to have us check both your battery and the charging system around it. Otherwise, you’re on a fast track to getting stranded.
  • Check the exhaust system for carbon monoxide leaks. Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas in your exhaust that can actually kill you. People drive with their windows up in the winter, which means that if the exhaust system is leaking carbon monoxide into the cabin, things can get very dangerous very quickly. Make sure you have a professional perform this all-important check.

Be Ready

Chances are good you’ll get from Point A to Point B without much trouble this winter, but all it takes is one unfortunate circumstance, and you could find yourself stranded. Being prepared can make the difference between life and death, so make sure you follow our advice!

  • Have both an ice scraper and snow brush. We’ve all seen those igloos on wheels: people who have used their hands and a credit card to clear tiny portals in the snow covering their windshields and windows. This is incredibly dangerous. You need to be able to manage both snow and ice as it accumulates on your vehicle, or a bad situation can quickly become worse.
  • Stock an emergency kit. Yes, it is worth it, even if you think you’ll only drive across town all winter. Your kit should include jumper cables, blankets, a (working) flashlight, extra clothes, nonperishable food, bottled water, and a first aid kit containing needed medication(s). Even if you are sure you’ll be fine, at least get an emergency kit to avoid the inevitable truth of Murphy’s Law. It’s better to have an emergency kit and never use it than find yourself in a desperate situation with nothing on hand. If you don’t want to put your own kit together, you can buy complete kits for reasonable prices.

Don’t take chances when it comes to your car. Turn to our auto repair experts in Loveland today!

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